I have been doing some research on iPad and iPhone 4 covers and decals available around the net. I decided to compile some of my favourites to show any iPad/iPhone4 owners some alternatives to the standard free bumper or apple cases you see everyone with and for the more adventurous among us i have thrown in a few interesting decals I found along the way.
So up first are some decals available on etsy for the Iphone 4 or Ipad. The prices of these vary from around £2.50 to just over £11. HERE is a link to the search term "iPhone 4 Decal" and HERE is a link for the "iPad Decal", you will easily be able to locate any of the decals bellow through these links.
Here are some of the casses you can also find on Etsy for the iPad and iPhone also. HERE for iPhone and HERE for iPad for the search link.
Next up is this cute little black book case for the Iphone 4. Available now from Pad&Quill HERE for $39.99.
Next is this waterproof "AquaPack" iPad case available from Water Sports Warehouse for £25.00 HERE. Now this carry case is only meant for the transport of an iPad and not for its use under water.
Next are the Monogram LV iPhone and iPad casses that are £150 and £240. They are availible through Lois Vuitton, although not to order online through their online catalog.
Now here is a big design for an iPhone cover, the high end fashion retailer Joyce released a series of covers availible only from their stores walk in customers. So a price range for these is just impossible for me to find ATM but I couldn't resist showing you this inspired pebble one.

Last but not least is this Rib Case for the iPad designed by SwitchEasy. Available now from their online store HERE for $34.99.
As always, thanks for reading!
1 comment(s) to... “Ipad and Iphone 4 Covers and Decals”
I consider this the finest blog I have read all this hour.
Apple, iPhone 4
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