Paul Love, my Tandem Umbrella partner in crime, put a book in front of me today that i had previously only known to be the name of a new film i had seen the trailer for.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, thats the name of the film and actually the 2nd graphic novel in the series, although the film does cover the first book and guessing by the trailer it probably covers the 3rd book aswell. Sorry if I am losing you here at all but you have to check out these graphic novels written by Bryan Lee O'Malley, i have been so hooked that i have read the first three today alone.

The 6th and final chapter is released on the 20th of this month state side. You can pre-order the book HERE from amazon right now for just £5.27. You can pick up all 5 of the other volumes on amazon also for around the same price. I strongly recommend them to anyone!
The movie "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" staring Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (HOT!!) is due out in august so keep your eyes peeled for that one, here is a trailer;
As always, thanks for reading!
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