I love south park, I have seen every episode and I have been watching it since it started. A die hard fan you could say, well any way here is a fitted due to come out soon from Concept 1 (a merchandising company) that represents Kenny in his signature hooded orange parka.
SF had this to say;
"Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s, Award Winning SOUTH PARK has been “taking it there” since the early Ninties, with his [HIS?? They are not one guy! Gosh SF, get some decent writers, like ...ME!] off beat, politically incorrect and crude humor. CONCEPT 1 has chosen everyone’s favorite animated resurrection case, Kenny McCormick and produced a fitted baseball cap. True to the character, bulk of the design resembles the Orange parka Kenny wears. This is a production sample. The news is slim about release dates and doors. We’re taking odds on a Dead Kenny variant appearing."
As always, thanks for reading!
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