I found this article being run over at Sneaker Freaker about a short film made by 3 french film students. "Sigg Jones" is a beautiful animated short film that has fight scenes rivaling high end Manga productions and kicks that will make your mouth water. Watch it over here at http://www.siggjones.com and see if you can name those kicks!
I wanna say thanks to Sneaker Freaker for putting me
on to this and for all their pics I stole.
As always, thanks for reading!
Just two days ago, our Brand Of The Month, Rebel 8 released the winter selection and I am amazed at the gear they have up. Take a look at http://shop.rebel8.com/ now. Here are some of my favorite pieces this season. I will be heavily hinting to my girlfriend about these for Xmas.
They have rereleased my fav Rebel 8 shirt, Muerete (below).
As always, thanks for reading!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw these just moments ago. I am a massive Transformers fan and after seeing New Era release this Iron Man hat (below) earlier this year I didn't think much of it. "Too shinny and plasticy" was how I described it to the dude I used to speak to in the New Era Flagship Store.
Now these Megatron and Optimus Prime designs will take that shiny material on a fitted to another level and probably kill the idea in one fatal swoop.
I am already considering what I am gunna sell to pick up one...probably both of these. As you can see (under this) the inside has got images from the boxes from the original large toys from the first series of Transformers (G1 to us Cybertron geeks).
As always, thanks for reading!
Peanuts (aka Woodstock or Snoopy) is a comic strip that has been running since 1950. Snoopy sat on the dog house one last time on the 13th of Feb 2000, when the illustrator Charles M Schulz passed away the day before, they ran his last strip that he submitted the day he passed.
Staring Snoopy himself and Charlie brown the story was made into a cartoon and shown on TV throughout my childhood. Charlie Brown was always known for playing baseball with his school chums, so what better excuse could New Era have to approach Peanuts for a collaboration 59 years after its first appearance.
These gorgeous flicks will be available at Japanese New Era accounts soon so expect to be getting your Jap-Eng dictionary out for this purchase, why did I choose French in school? I still don't know...
As always, thanks for reading!
The Tank Chair is Pharrell William's newest venture as a piece of contemporary furniture. It was recently slated for a world premiere at the Emmanuel Perriton Gallery during Art Basel Miami. None the less its quite an impressive thrown for a musician such as NERD'S Pharrell. Don't expect to see this in Ikea or Argos, ever.
As always, thanks for reading!
Yes, its big Rebel8 news they have released a new Look Book for Winter 2009.
I neednt say much more let the picks speak for them selves!
Also Rebel 8 have released 2 other big news stories i have to cover
& 2. 
As always, thanks for reading!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this and have already got started on making my own one.
JC de Castelbajac has showcased his Lego New Era Caps on the catwalk this week!
Thanks to KanYe for sticking this up and catching my eye.
As always, thanks for reading!
If your a bit of a geek like me, then you will love Star Wars and pretty much scrap together any money you can get your grubby mits on to pick up a Star Wars related pair of kicks.
Now we all remember Rachel from Friends dressing up as Princess Leia to try and put a spark back into her relationship with Ross, so we know its hot to see your girl with the french pastry hair doo whilst adorning a Jabba The Hut slave bikini.
If your girl ain't game, then maybe this is the answer. Adidas have teamed up with George Lucas to create these new Princess Leia themed kicks. I know these arn't full picks and only a preview but thats all that is available for these at the mo.
They are due to drop in January so these are going to be a pair of kicks to pick up for the misses, maybe a late Xmas gift or even an early valentines.
As always, thanks for reading!
Just spotted one of these online and thought it was worth sharing with you. Ever thought you would see a fanny pack back in fashion?
Well these Cap-Sac's are a must have for American Apparel fans and have the 80's written all of them. You can pick these up directly from Cap-Sac at www.cap-sac.com right now!
This lady is looking Rad, I'm sure.
As always, thanks for reading!
Ben 10 is probably the biggest cartoon around at the moment with kids all over the world sporting a whole load of merchandise and collecting all the toys. In Hamley's (where I work) they have a huge Ben 10 alien hanging from the ceiling on the top floor.
The idea is simple and revolves around the main character Ben who owns a watch, known as an "Omnitrix", that allows him to transform into different aliens to help him along the way. Having seen all these kids around with these huge watches I had a suddenly realization that...
I Gotta Get Me One Of Those!
I picked one up on sale in Tesco's for around £7 and later that week saw a dude at Uni sporting one. Now I know it sound pretty whack and I couldn't find any images on google of any rappers wearing one, although this one hipster below is sporting his with attitude, so in my eyes that means its still fresh.
There are 3 different types out at the moment so take your pick and get your mits on one at absolutely any toy shop, ebay or amazon. Shop around for the best deal, try super markets because they will all have sales on leading up to Xmas this year.
As always, thanks for reading!
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